In the Name of God Amen I ELIZABETH HOUSE of the Parish of St Margaret Westminster Corn Chandler Being weak of Body but of Sound mind and memory and understanding thanks be to allmighty God for the same And Considering the Mortality of this Life and the Uncertainty of Death I do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (That is to say) I first Recomend my Soul into the hand of Almight God trusting through the Merits of Jesus Christ to inherit Eternal Life And my Body to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named when it shall please God Almighty to take me out of this Life And what worldly Goods God hath been pleased to Bless me with I Give and Bequeath as followeth Imprimis I Give and Bequeath to my Son STEPHEN HOUSE my Corn Chandlers Shop with the Stock therein and all Book Debts and every thing there unto belonging With all the Furniture that is in that part of the House Except a pair of walnut tree Chest of Drawers and a Brass kittle But my Son STEPHEN shall pay to my Daughter WEBBE Five pounds Ten Shillings out of the next Bill he shall [ ] of THOMAS GREEN Esqr.
Item I give and Bequeath to my Son SAMUEL HOUSE Thirty two pounds part of which may be thought necessary to put him out to a Trade the Residue of the money to keep him in Cloths and Expenses During his Apprenticeship
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter CHRISTIAN HOUSE the Bed that I Lay on [ ] as it is and a Wallnut tree Chest of Drawers and a large Brass kittle
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter SARAH WEBBE all my Furniture that I have Lent her and is now in her possession Except what I have before mentioned Gave to my Daughter CHRISTIAN And She my said Daughter WEBBE I make Residuary Legatee in this my last Will and Testament And as for the Lease of my Houses I Leave Equally between My Son STEPHEN HOUSE and my Daughter SARAH WEBBE Each person to pay for that part they inhabit it being in his Tenements
Item I leave all Debts and Funeral Expenses to be paid out of my Corn Chandlers Stock and trade And that I leave my Brother in Law THOMAS CLIMPSON and EDWARD QUAINTON whole and sole Executors in this my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I the Testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament Set my hand and seal this Twelveth Day of May And in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Forty – X – The mark of ELIZABETH HOUSE – Signed Sealed Published and Declared in the presence of EDWARD QUAINTON – CHARLES HARRIS
July the 5 1740
THOMAS CLIMPSON and EDWARD QUAINTON the Executors named in this Will were sworn before Me – Will. Strahan Surrogate